;;For New or Frustrated Interior Consultants
- Looking for an Experienced & Empathetic Interior Design Coach?
- Are you New to the Interior Design or Decorating Industry?
- Would you like to get a leg up and avoid all the ‘learning mistakes’?
- Are you a good listener and can take constructive guidance?
- Are you motivated to make Interior Design or Decorating your Career?
Look no further…
You have found an Interior Design Veteran of 35+ years and someone who understands Our Business and is still Passionate about helping people live in Functional and Beautiful Spaces.:::
Interior Designer Coaching & Mentoring… Imagine taking the right steps every time!
It’s possible… with a guide. A mentor. A friend.
Jan Addams LIIID, MIRM has already figured out the twists and turns in how to create a business that creates Interior Spaces to display (model homes), live in (build/ renovate) or, sell (Merchandised /Staged). These are decisions that can throw a person into a tailspin, but she is here to ensure your success.
Jan herself has learned from successful Interior Coaches and Business Consultants including: Kay Green; Heidi Decoux; Beth Schneider; Sherry Borsheim
She has invested in herself and invites you to invest in yourself! When your IIID consultant has already figured out how to simply and easily design and organize a cost effective, earth aware, beautiful, feng-tional and colour harmonized office, failure is not an option, and dreaming of being a Design Diva is not a strategy.
What Jan’s clients are saying about her
“…Wealth of knowledge… I am using her ‘Contact to Completion the 8 Step Communication System ©’ in my business, I have to say this system is awesome as it makes organizing my Interior Projects so much easier.”
Cara Lawson
Decorating & Design Consultant
Accredited Member of CDECA™“…Jan has helped me clarify my personal and business goals which were in need of repair! I feel more confident and with that confidence comes a renewed sense of well-being and focused direction.”
Heddy Bing
Retail Design Consultant
Accredited Member of CDECA™;;
“…Your Business Behind Design (IIID) Program has already helped me with 2 new clients. I have used your ‘mini style report’ to discover who my prospective client really is and how to communicate effectively with her.”Kandys Merola
Medical, Dental & Staging Consultant
Accredited Member of CDECA™…
Are You Ready to Hire the ‘IIID Design’ Coach?
You are ready if…
- You desire to simplify and streamline your interior business so you can go on and fulfil your lifestyle dreams. The reason to work with the IIID Coach is to facilitate change. A coach helps you gain clarity, information and the resources to organize, automate and streamline your interior design career .
- You are committed to achieving your goals. The fact that you are considering working with a coach indicates that your goals are extremely important to you. Pairing that commitment with the right consultant will accelerate the process toward reaching your goals. If you have decided that making a change is more important than staying the same, a consultant can help you clarify and accomplish your goals, save more money, and master your time.
- You are willing to accept new perspectives about your interior space. Working with the IIID Coach gives you the opportunity to get an objective view of your business and office and your path to creating a pleasing and functional space. A the IIID Coach’s view provides an opportunity for you to quickly see your business from the ‘big picture’ while putting out the least amount of time, money and effort.
- You are willing to invest money in you. Hiring a the IIID Coach is one of the greatest ways to invest in you (and YOU are your most valuable asset). It is through coaching that you will ‘STOP Buying Mistakes on Sale‘, take action, move forward, gain the necessary information and resources to create and design an interior business that you love!
- You are willing to take action. Consulting & Coaching is an action-oriented process. You and your the IIID Coach will discover the SIMPLE action steps required to streamline and simplify your project management. These steps will allow you to achieve your goals as quickly and easily as possible.
Jan Addams believes our Style begins inside and is expressed in our Mindset, Wardrobe, Interior Design & Lifestyle and then flows into our Interior Design Industry including our Business Brand & Organizing Style.
To find out if you qualify for this unique IIID DESIGN Coaching Service – guaranteed to change your life and career – and finally become Simply Profitable by Design – CLICK HERE for a FREE 20 minute Phone Assessmentg;;;;
I offer III DESIGN – Coaching to Interior Consultants that have a Boutique Sized Business (1 – 4 person) that want to implement a Simple Organizational System to help them become More Profitable!
I only take a ‘limited’ number of Interior Consultants a year. If you would like to become one of them you need to do this FIRST……
- CONTACT – Me HERE to arrange a FREE 20 Min Business Assessment
… - CONNECT – with Me via Phone, Skype or Conference Call
… - CONTRACT – Me for a 3 – 12 month Business Commitment
… - CONCEPTS – to C.A.S.H. >Create Authentic Style Habits and Re-position, Re-Organize & Simplify Your Business
… - PRODUCTS – to help you Succeed – Contact To Completion™ & Paper Tiger™
… - SERVICES – like Online Training, Bus Card Creation, Website Design, Virtual Assistants etc
… - SCHEDULE – Monthly ‘One-On-One’ Phone Consultations with Email & Audio Recaps
… - COMPLETION – Watch Your Interior Business Soar & Get Your Personal Life Back!
I look forward to working with You ‘on’ Your Business – if we are the ‘right fit’ for each other!
*Note: Licencing opportunities are available for Special Accredited Consultants…
Simply Me by Design,
Jan Addams
President of IMAGE To INTERIOR Inc.